Lynwood Unified Board of Education Approves Tentative Agreement Prioritizing Educator and Student Well-Being

The Lynwood Unified Board of Education has approved a Tentative Agreement between the District and the teachers’ union that prioritizes the well-being of educators and students alike while underscoring their shared commitment to fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment within the Lynwood community.

The agreement – which was ratified on March 14 and concludes negotiations for the 2023-24 school year – signifies a milestone in the ongoing partnership between the District and the Lynwood Teachers Association (LTA).

“We are proud of the collaborative spirit demonstrated by both LUSD and LTA throughout the swift negotiation process,” said Carlos Zaragoza, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. “This agreement reflects our shared commitment to promoting student success and ensuring every child receives a high-quality education.”

Under the provisions of the 2022-2025 LTA-LUSD Collective Bargaining Agreement, Leaves and Safety and Health were selected as the focal points for negotiations during the 2023-2024 school year. Over three sessions, which took place from November 2023 to January 2024, LUSD and LTA representatives engaged in constructive dialogue and reached consensus on key issues.

They include expanding sick leave to include mental health, extending bereavement days and updating protected leaves, as well as mandated safety plan reviews, CPR training sessions, mental health support and facility-related measures, among other issues. 

“We look forward to working together and continuing a productive and harmonious school year, focused on empowering students to thrive academically and personally,” Zaragoza said.
